one solution logistics

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Tel.: 0049-(0) 7154 806 26 -0

Fax.: 0049-(0) 7154 806 26 -21

Ideal logistics

Increasing exchange of goods requires logistic solutions and flexible means of transportation. We unite your requests and targets: time, ecological and economical aspects. "One solution logistics“ - best and ideal solutions in logistics.

Round trips

With more than 10.000 cargos per year we are your ideal partner for the distribution all over Europe, from Germany to France, Spain and the Benelux countries. We offer you regular trips for international haulage, run your truck for round trips and provide you a complete, well-organized and ideal schedule in logistics.

Personal customer care

A good and long partnership is essential. We offer you a full service in your own language around the clock. Place your trust in us while you can see our expertise and high-graded solutions for yourself. Your satisfaction is the asset of our success. We are continuously training our well qualified staff.